The oficcial start to the BFHS Rodeo Club season is finally here! There will be a meeting Wednesday September 19 at 7:00 pm at the Branding Iron Steakhouse in Belle Fourche. It is very important that all members attend the meeting! At the meeting new officers will be elected, pizza sales packets handed out, and the rules, point system, and elegibility requirements will all be explained. Last years members will also be receiving the money that they earned from the 2011-2012 season. Each member receives points for attending the meetings and those points will help them to earn more money at the end of the year! If a member can not attend but still wish to receive their points they can send either a parent or sibling in their place and still receive the points. Hope to see many old and new faces at the meeting!
How long does the season last? Will you be telling us other way you earn points and what the rules and eligibility is? How much does a member typically earn in a year?